Saturday, September 3, 2011

Teaching College

Yesterday, I taught a college class. That was pretty crazy. I have a new job as a TA (teaching assistant) for Chemical Engineering 378 aka Materials Science and Engineering. It's pretty fun. But yesterday the teacher had to go to his daughter's school play or something so he had me teach. It was a little scary, and I'm not sure how well I did. But, I tried my best. Hopefully the teacher can cover anything I didn't teach very well again later. Also, I have office hours where kids come and ask me questions about the homework. And yesterday a lot of kids came and asked me for help. I hope I was helpful to them. Also, I worked almost 15 hours this week. That is a lot more than I ever have during school. Usually I work about 5 or less. I still have my job doing blood research, but that will probably only be a couple hours here and there. So I am excited for my new job. Classes are ok, some of them seem pretty hard and boring. But we will see.

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