Sunday, May 8, 2011

Church Today and 3M Tomorrow

Today was my first day of church in Minnesota. It was fun. Except for a lot of people expected me to remember meeting them once at our wedding reception. I can't remember that well. Also Ken and I made a big poster out of construction paper that said Happy Mother's Day for Ken's mom. That was a super fun project. Oh the other thing about church was that a lot of people were asking me about my internship. All I really know is that I am working for 3M and I just figured out that it is in the Display and Graphics division. Well, half of the ward here works for 3M so they were all asking me more about what I would be doing and what building it's in and who I am working for. I really don't know. That's what I will find out tomorrow at Intern Orientation. Which I am excited for but also nervous. I really have no clue how many other interns will be there. I've always pictured in mind that there would be tons... like a few hundred but now I am thinking that there will be a lot less. But I really don't know what to expect. I also wonder if the other interns will be about my age and what the boy:girl ratio will be. Ken is convinced that I will be the only married one there. That could very well be. But I'm excited to see how it goes. I'm more nervous for the next day when I have to actually try to figure out what I will be doing the rest of the summer. Also I wonder if I will get any free Scotch tape or post-it notes. I will definitely post tomorrow about how it goes. Tonight we are having hamburgers and hot dogs. That will be good. Also I got a long nap today so that was super nice. But not much else to report for today because it hasn't really been all that eventful.

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