Saturday, May 14, 2011

First week in MN

Sorry I know I said I would write on Tuesday and I still haven't. It's just been pretty busy. Basically after I get home from work I just want to relax and play and do as little thinking as possible. But anyways now I will summarize my week. So on Tuesday I met my supervisor. He is really cool. And then I went to a fancy important meeting with him. At the meeting I found out more about what I am doing. Basically we do work on these super thin plastic films which are used in various products. The most recognizable of which are ipads, iphones, and ipods. So basically we make this fancy film that Apple puts on their screens in order to increase the battery life and make it easier to what's on the screen when the sun or a bright light is shining on it. 3M makes $4 for every ipad that is sold. So that's what we work on. But the other side of the building is where they are made. We just study them and try to improve them. What I am working on specifically is kind of a quality engineer thing. So when they make these films, sometimes defects are created and they can't use that portion of the film. I am going to be working this summer to help figure out why the defects are created so that we can minimize the amount of film that needs to be thrown away. Basically. Anyway the meeting was interesting also because they gave out plaques for everyone who had received a new patent in the past two months. And there were five plaques awarded! Crazy. And my supervisor told me that one guy has gotten over 100 patents in his life. These people are insane. And soooo smart. But anyway ya the rest of the week I just met a lot of people and tried to figure out what was going on. I started examining the defects under a microscope and taking pictures of them. And then I am apparently going to be using photoshop to enhance the pictures. We are going to make a manual for the manufacturing people so that when they find a defect, they will be able to look in the book and discover the cause and then try to go fix it so it doesn't happen again. I work with some cool people, although 90% of them are a ton older than me. But that's fine. Let's see... I have two desks :) in my little "cube" as they call it haha... although there really is plenty of space for me. It's nothing like some of the tiny cubicles you see on TV shows and movies. Also today we are going garage sale hunting. They have one huge garage sale weekend here and that's about the only time anyone ever does garage sales I guess. And it's this weekend. I've already seen tons of people setting up stuff. So it should be super exciting. I hope we find some cool stuff!

1 comment:

  1. Um - I saw a 3M "adhesive bandage" commercial for the first time this week, and I thought of you. Just thought you would like to know. :)
