Friday, May 6, 2011

We made it!

Hello readers of my blog. Ken and I made it to Minnesota today. And we were welcomed. Also to Iowa. There were no welcome signs entering Wyoming or Nebraska but both Iowa and Minnesota had welcome signs so I felt much more welcome in those states. Also I forgot to say that on our drive yesterday, we saw an interesting statue of Abraham Lincoln. Except it's really only his head on top of some rocky stuff. We had some more super fun dance parties today and I also slept a lot on the road. But luckily Ken didn't so we made it safely. Then when we got to Ken's house we made a cheese pizza for dinner and then Ken's sister and nieces came over. They are very fun. One is especially talkative and tends to dominate conversations. But then the other girls just cut her off whenever they have anything to say so it works for them. We are staying in Ken's room, which is green. Ken loves green so much. I don't really mind it, it's kind of fun. Also I've been thinking a lot about our future. Ken's dad gave us updates on Ken's siblings and so it made me kind of wonder what we would be doing at their age. I'm pretty nervous to start my internship. I try not to worry about it too much but sometimes it's hard. Although I am super excited. I really hope people will be nice to me. I wonder if I will ever find any friends in Minnesota. I kind of feel like everyone will be a lot different than me, but I guess I don't know. I mean I feel like Ken and I are very similar so maybe there are more people kind of like Ken. So far Ken's family doesn't remind me all that much of him. Maybe his dad a little bit. His mom is mainly like Kari. Like very very similar to Kari. And I really like Kari so that's good. I miss Kari. She is so much fun. Also Kari is Ken's sister for people who don't know. She is on a mission. It would be fun if she was here, although it would definitely limit alone time for me and Ken. Also I decided I am not that big on grammar sometimes. Especially with "me and..." I live for that kind of grammar mistake. Ok not really but I like it. Also I decided I am super stubborn. Like with that for example. I like it and if anyone tells me to change that it will probably just make me want to do it more. That's probably not the best trait. I'm kind of worried about it. What if anytime anyone wants me to do something a certain way I purposely want to go against it? That wouldn't be ideal for anyone else. Luckily Ken mellows me out quite a bit. He is just so nice and caring and agrees with me but then helps me realize when I'm overreacting. But also he knows when I don't want to be told that I'm overreacting and then he just understands. I don't know how he does that when I'm being so ridiculous but he does. I am really glad that I will always have Ken to talk to about all of my thoughts, feelings, and worries. Also I have this blog. I will post a lot of my thoughts on this blog this summer I think. So keep reading. But that's it for tonight. Come back soon!

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