Saturday, April 9, 2011

More About Ken

Ken is the greatest. For reals. Like no one else can fully comprehend how great he is. Last night his basketball team lost and got out of the tournament but instead of being upset about it he was only thinking of me. Before the game we went to the temple and ate in their cafeteria for dinner. I got some kind of chicken parmigian type dish but after I got it I discovered that it had mushrooms on it, which I am allergic to. However, usually I am fine if I just avoid the actual mushrooms, so I did that. But I guess the sauce had too much mushroom in it for my body because I started feeling super sick at the basketball game. But after the game Ken could tell I wasn't feeling well so he was super nice and took me home and took really good care of me. He pulled the bed out into the living room so that I could watch a movie while laying down. He was just so thoughtful the whole night. Also, I am always amazed at how well we get along and how well we understand each other and how well our personalities complement each other. Everytime I hang out with other people and then hang out with Ken I notice that. Like I get along great with a lot of other people, but no one nearly so well as Ken. He always understands my thoughts and perspective even when everyone else thinks I'm wrong or doesn't understand me. Also he is the most fun of all people in the world. I love how crazy and weird he is sometimes. I'm sorry if this post is so cliche or cheesy but oh well. I love Ken so much and he is the best friend I could ever ask for.

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