Friday, April 1, 2011

Today's Meeting

Today I met one of the leaders of the local seventh-day adventist church. It was very interesting. It was for a group project in one of my classes. I really liked her and thought she had a lot of really good things to say. The only thing that seemed really weird to me was at the end. Another girl in my group is a mother of three and coming back to school after several years. As we were about to leave she said she needed to get back to her three kids or something like that. The lady seemed to think she was kind of crazy for having three children. She then said, "Birth control is a wonderful thing. Use it now, use it later, use it always." Apparently, as I then found out, she has only one adopted son. Anyways, this perspective was pretty unique for me to hear in Utah. And really at all actually. I feel like most people I've come in contact with would like to have children at one point or another. But I've also been thinking... I really think that too many people at BYU try to judge when a couple should start having kids. It's always too early according to some people or too late according to others. I really try not to judge people about that sort of thing, and hope that I am successful at it. To quote a contrasting perspective of my old mission prep teacher, "Have as many kids as you can in your twenties because you never know what will happen in your thirties." Not saying this is a bad idea, I just think it fails to consider the fact that everyone is in different situations and that not all families need to be the same. I think the best philosophy to live by is to leave those decisions up to the couple and God to figure out. So, that is my advice to everyone.

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