Wednesday, April 20, 2011


The semester is almost over! I have two finals I still have to take today, but I feel like I've just about studied as much as I can for one and the other is just a take home essay assignment. So, I feel pretty done. Also, please note that I am not trying to be like the people I wrote about who are constantly looking forward to getting things done. I am just enjoying my life right now and excited for new and upcoming adventures. After my two finals I plan to sleep in tomorrow morning while Ken takes his last final and then we are going to Las Vegas! Woo hoo! And then we will party all day and all night long! With a little stop at the DMV so I can get a replacement driver's license. And hopefully a haircut at some point. Then we will come back here and it will be hard core study time for me, unfortunately. I'm probably crazy but I am going to try to take Accounting 200 in about a week and a half. All of the tests are in the testing center starting the first day of class and all of the assignments are just up on blackboard. What is the reason why I am doing this you may ask? Because I am also taking English 316 over independent study over the summer and if I take one on-campus class during spring I will save/make $2000 from government grant money. But anyways, then we will be moving out and going on the best road trip ever all the way to Minnesota! It will be such a fun adventure of a trip. Then I will start my internship! And we will continue to party. Then after the internship we will come back and hopefully have an apartment somewhere to move into. Then... the best of all... our cruise! Our cruise will be soooo great. And then back to school again. Anyway that is a summary of what my life will be looking like for the next few months. Doesn't it sound fun? It does to me. I think it will be so great. I have such a great life. The End.

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