Thursday, March 31, 2011

Being Brownieless: A new and unique experience

Today I had an experience unlike any I've ever had before. Basically, I felt stupid and awkward because I did not have a brownie. I found myself in a room surrounded by people holding mint brownies on little white napkins. And I alone did not have one. I felt so out of place. And then, my boss/professor came in and he didn't have a brownie either. So I felt a little relieved. Until I remembered that he has health problems that make it so he can't have very much sugar. But I had no good excuse for not having a brownie in my possession. Everyone else had one. And I felt people staring at me thinking, "Where's your brownie?" Now I've wanted brownies before, that aspect was definitely not uncommon. And yes, it would have been nice to have a brownie just because I think they are delicious and I never turn down the chance to eat a brownie. But I had never wanted one in this way before. I wanted one so that I wouldn't feel awkward and out of place in a room surrounded by people with brownies. But I didn't know where they got them. I didn't know if I could get one. I couldn't possibly ask anyone for the risk of looking foolish. Clearly everyone else knew about the brownies, why didn't I? And I didn't really know anyone well enough to ask them. So, I sat there, without a brownie, feeling awkward and being sad that I couldn't enjoy what everyone else had. And then I left because I couldn't take it anymore.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Present vs Future

A piece of advice: live in the present. I keep hearing everyone saying "I can't wait until the semester is over" or "after this test is over my life will be much better" or "I can't wait until I'm graduated and done with school" or "only x amount of days/weeks/months until y" but the real problem is that that is constantly happening... people are looking forward to things and trying to get past things so much that they don't really enjoy living. And I'll admit, I am guilty of this too sometimes. But I just think there is a big problem when you are always wishing and hoping for a new situation in the future. My goal is to be happy and grateful for what I have now, enjoy every day, and make the best of my current situation. I just think people are a lot happier when they say to themselves, "look how great my life is now" instead of "imagine how great my life will be when..."

Pickle Similes

So my sister and I decided today that pickle similes should be the new thing. So what you do is you take something you were already going to say, and compare whatever you are talking about to a pickle. And the best part is that it doesn't actually have to relate to pickles whatsoever. In fact it's much better if it doesnt. The simile can be used to describe something good, bad, neutral, it doesn't matter. Here are some examples:
"Man, it's windy like a pickle outside today."
"Wow, you type as fast as a pickle."
"This computer is as frustrating as a pickle."
"That music is loud like a pickle."
So as you can see, neither the thing you are describing nor the adjective you use to describe it need to have anything at all to do with pickles. But you throw it in just for fun. And trust me, it's fun. Just try it and you will see for yourself. Also I have to give credit to a facebook post of random kids from Centennial High School for the idea. It was not mine, but I am supporting the effort to pass it on. Also, the first example came from a facebook status and the second from a text from my sister. And as my sister said earlier: Let's spread the pickle love!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Quotes of the day from Ken

"Look it's a spaceship! Oh wait... that's a tree..."
"In a battle between a car and a goldfish, I would usually think the car would win. But this was an exception..."

Other Random Thoughts

Minnesota will be so fun! I am getting so excited! Although it will probably be a lot harder to make friends there. But oh well. And we will get to go boating on the weekends. And mainly I'm excited because it is going to be quite the new adventure. Also we want to go on a cruise for a late anniversary celebration. We are thinking to Mexico. That would be super fun. I hope we buy tickets soon. Also one day I am going to ride in a hot air balloon. Ken promised. And so that's why there are hot air balloons on my blog. Also because I love them!!! A lot. I've always wanted to go on one. Also Ken thinks it's ridiculous that I randomly search google images and youtube for hot air balloons just so I can look at them and get excited. Ok so it's probably ridiculous, but I don't care.

I love our ward!

Surprising? Perhaps. Considering that we meet at 8:30 am. That part is not so good. But now I feel like we are making more friends than ever before for some reason. I'm not really sure why. But it's great! And tonight we are cleaning the church. I'm not sure how that will go. But there is one couple that's going that we really like so that will definitely make it more fun :) And now we are trying to decide if we want to move back into the same ward after the summer. We aren't really sure yet. Or we might get a 2-bedroom. But now that we are kind of making friends we might not want to have to start over... so we will see.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Dang it...

No one read my blog today :( tragic... I guess everyone is so much busier than I am. Also I'm exhausted and need to go to bed. Also I'm sick of school so I think I will probably just never go back. The End.

Monday, March 21, 2011

I'm in the mood to talk to someone

on facebook chat. But no one is really on. I was hoping for one of my sisters or a friend that I haven't talked to in awhile. But unfortunately no. So I just make comments on their pictures and statuses instead. And now I talk to myself. Thats pretty much what blogging is right? because its not really directed to anyone... I really never know who I am really talking to. Blogging is like talking to yourself plus an unknown audience. I don't even really know if anyone reads my blog. Except for my sisters when I tell them to. But I like to think a couple people randomly like to hear about my life. Heck, I stalk other peoples blogs, sometimes even if I'm not friends with them. Also, if that is your case just know I support it. As long as you at least know me. Like if we talked in high school a little bit or you were in my ward once upon a time. If I had any stalkers that completely didn't know me that probably wouldn't be the best... so I will discourage that one. Also Kevin needs to get a facebook. Then I could talk to him. Also I really wish Kevin had a blog... that would probably be the sweetest blog ever. Kristen's is good but I just feel like Kevin would write on his a lot more, no offense. And I love it when he calls me to tell me random stories of his day. And then as soon as he finishes he says ok thanks for listening bye. I love it. It makes my day every time. Thats what I picture his blog being like. He could complain about the weird kids in orchestra or talk about Steve's new dog. And I would read it all. Maybe multiple times :) Also I hope Kevin reads this haha

Sunday, March 20, 2011

My facebook comment about Rebecca Black's "Friday"

 Julieann Ray Selden
this song is obviously not meant to be deep. that is clear. the popular genre of music right now has a purpose of relieving stress and being relaxing and fun. i believe that this song accomplishes that purpose at least as well as other songs on the radio. ie:
I gotta feeling that tonight’s gonna be a good night
That tonight’s gonna be a good night
That tonight’s gonna be a good good night (x3)
Tonight’s the night night
Let’s live it up
I got my money
Let’s spend it up
Now how is that any better? yet how many people have criticized this song the same way? not nearly as many. yet rebecca black is only 13 and would be expected to have less profound lyrics. Except it really doesn't even matter how profound her lyrics are. Because that is so far from the purpose of her song. the trend is to create songs that dont make you think at all, usually because you are so sick and tired of thinking all day. At least that is how I make use of songs like this. After studying for hours and hours on campus the last thing I want to do is come home and listen to a song that makes me think even more. The first thing I want to do is listen to a song that is fun and that I can dance to or just relax while listening. You don't have to agree, I am just trying to explain why the song would get so many views on youtube. Of course it was not for its intellectually challenging and articulate lyrics, but again, that was obvious.
Julieann Ray Selden ps. i am actually a black eyed peas fan as well. this music has its place, and so does music that makes you think. they are just very different.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Bridal Shower

Today I went to my friend's bridal shower and it was so fun :) they had really good food and we played a game and learned all about my friend and her fiance and their beautiful little relationship. And I bought lingerie for her. It was fun. She got mainly kitchen stuff and one other little outfit. What I bought her was pretty revealing haha and I'm pretty sure it made some people feel awkward. Even some married people surprisingly. But she loved it I am sure. She said she was grateful because hardly anyone else got her that kind of stuff and she didn't want to have to buy it herself :) One girl did give her a present that was labeled: to wear on your wedding night... and there was nothing in the bag. That was funny too. Also there were some interesting people at the bridal shower. Quite the diverse group of personalities I thought. Which also made it fun. I love bridal showers! I hope I will get to go to a lot more. My other friend has one coming up :) in two weeks I think. I need to be thinking of what outfit to buy for her...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

March Madness

I am doing pretty good on my bracket for the bball tournament. I am pretty proud of myself. I just picked whoever I felt like really. Only I picked Pittsburgh to win and I don't think they will... but hopefully. I'm doing just as well as all the guys in the ward competition and beating a lot of them :) but anyways... just hope for Pittsburgh for me :)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I really hate Electrical Engineering labs

They are the absolute worst part of my week. I dread them so much. It ruins every Wednesday for me. Last night I had a breakdown realizing that I would have to go today. But now it is over. So that's good. My lab partner is interesting. She likes to do everything 3 times when we really only need to do it once. It's a little frustrating. But mainly because circuits make zero sense and the teacher and TAs are all terrible. But anyway, at least it's over. Ken and I are going to rent Megamind tonight. That should cheer me up. And also the fact that I don't have to go to that stupid lab for another whole week at least.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Julieann: Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars? I could really use a wish right now, wish right now, wish right nooow.
Ken: Ok I'll grant you one wish.
Julieann: Ok. What is it?
Ken: I will allow you to stop singing.

A Poem of You Think You're Cooler Than Me

by Ken Selden
You think I smell like a grapefruit
And you smell like flowers
You think I taste like spaghetti O's
And you taste like ice cream
You think I look like a pig
And you look like a mermaid
You think you're cooler than me.

Monday, March 14, 2011

My friend is a jerk.

I decided my blog is probably a good place for venting. Just a little while ago, I was looking up what classes I should take next semester and I discovered that one of the classes I am signing up for has three possible options for what teacher you can have. Since I don't know much about any of the teachers, I decide to text two of my friends who have taken more classes in my major than I have. One of my friends is a girl and the other is not. The girl texts me back first. She says something to the effect of oh I have this teacher now and I really like him, but I've heard this other teacher is good, and the third teacher is really old but that's all I know. This was helpful because it was more than what I knew. Next, the other "friend" texts me back saying that now that he is married (because he got married a couple of weeks ago) that he will never be texting or calling any girls besides his wife. Furthermore, he said that he meant to tell me that today when I talked to him for probably 15 minutes, but that he didn't know how to. Furthermore, he lied to me. Because last week I texted him asking what he was doing because Ken and I were bored and wanted to see if he AND HIS WIFE wanted to hang out. But he never responded. When I mentioned it to him at school today he said that he "meant to text me back, but got distracted and forgot." Furthermore, the only time I have ever seen him outside of school was when he invited Ken and I to play games with him and his fiance at the time. So the point is, his wife is paranoid and he is rude. I am very much offended. I responded to his text by saying that since I have so few friends already, what's one less.

Hooray! It worked!

so thats a success. This weekend I read a book called Home Waters. It was great fun. Lots of stories about people getting lost in the mountains when they go on hikes. I just wrote a book report about it. Also I now know more about fly fishing than I ever thought I would. Today I meet the author. He is coming to our class to answer our questions about the book. That should be fun. And then I will have to write another paper. Or partial paper at least. For Humanities. So much paper writing this semester... pretty crazy for a chemical engineer I think. But it's good because sometimes I get sick of all of the complicated problems to solve. Although chemical engineering wasn't too bad today. I paid some attention, which is more than usual. And it made some amount of sense which is much more than usual. I wonder who will read my blog... I feel like I am writing to no one. Maybe one person will read my blog. That would be an accomplishment for me. My experience with blogs has been interesting... some are really sappy engagement blogs, some are kind of dumb, a lot are really emotional, and then I sometimes read Mr. Huston's blog which is usually really profound and intelligent. Mine will probably be like none of those. Oh also there is Kristen's which I love but she never even writes on it :( but anyways... mine will probably turn out to be boring. Maybe. We will see. It probably won't be all that creative because I try to use what little creativity I have on papers I have to write for classes. But one last thing.... "I don't know. I have to wait until I'm done finishing my blog. Happiness is very happy." :) youtube search 3 year old lyrics and click the first link... I love that video. Although I haven't found anyone else who likes it nearly as much as me.

This is a test

to see if my new blog works... I've never done it before. I wonder if anyone will actually read my blog. Probably not. Maybe if they are ever really really really bored. Like I am right now. Sitting in the stats lab while Ken does homework... fun fun. Also I get lots of headaches lately. So that stinks. But this blog is not supposed to be about complaining, just so you know. It is supposed to be about... well I'm not really sure. Maybe for posting all of Ken and my new videos we are going to make. Grenade is somewhat in the making... It is going to be epic.