Monday, March 21, 2011

I'm in the mood to talk to someone

on facebook chat. But no one is really on. I was hoping for one of my sisters or a friend that I haven't talked to in awhile. But unfortunately no. So I just make comments on their pictures and statuses instead. And now I talk to myself. Thats pretty much what blogging is right? because its not really directed to anyone... I really never know who I am really talking to. Blogging is like talking to yourself plus an unknown audience. I don't even really know if anyone reads my blog. Except for my sisters when I tell them to. But I like to think a couple people randomly like to hear about my life. Heck, I stalk other peoples blogs, sometimes even if I'm not friends with them. Also, if that is your case just know I support it. As long as you at least know me. Like if we talked in high school a little bit or you were in my ward once upon a time. If I had any stalkers that completely didn't know me that probably wouldn't be the best... so I will discourage that one. Also Kevin needs to get a facebook. Then I could talk to him. Also I really wish Kevin had a blog... that would probably be the sweetest blog ever. Kristen's is good but I just feel like Kevin would write on his a lot more, no offense. And I love it when he calls me to tell me random stories of his day. And then as soon as he finishes he says ok thanks for listening bye. I love it. It makes my day every time. Thats what I picture his blog being like. He could complain about the weird kids in orchestra or talk about Steve's new dog. And I would read it all. Maybe multiple times :) Also I hope Kevin reads this haha

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