Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Present vs Future

A piece of advice: live in the present. I keep hearing everyone saying "I can't wait until the semester is over" or "after this test is over my life will be much better" or "I can't wait until I'm graduated and done with school" or "only x amount of days/weeks/months until y" but the real problem is that that is constantly happening... people are looking forward to things and trying to get past things so much that they don't really enjoy living. And I'll admit, I am guilty of this too sometimes. But I just think there is a big problem when you are always wishing and hoping for a new situation in the future. My goal is to be happy and grateful for what I have now, enjoy every day, and make the best of my current situation. I just think people are a lot happier when they say to themselves, "look how great my life is now" instead of "imagine how great my life will be when..."

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